onsdag 28 maj 2008

Tinkerbell at prom!

Idag har min lilla Tingeling bal på Valand and I got the honor to help her fix her make-up and hair! Hade lite bråttom dock eftersom jag var på Jaw Knee boys student och så skulle jag till F senare för att fira att vi inte har någon skola längre. Många drinkar blev det där!
Om 2 dagar är det dags för mig att ha bal då och senare studenten om 1 vecka! Myspys!

Meanwhile, here's some soothing music for your ears

Clazziquai - Dance

Clazziquai (Hangul: 클래지콰이; Classic+Jazz+Groove) is a Korean fusion band that combines several genres including electronic music, acid jazz and house. The group's first short unofficial albums were released online in 2001, spreading its music through words of “netizens,” who positively received the group's unique music. They remained underground until the release of their first album Instant Pig in 2004, selling over 80,000 copies. Since then, their music has been used in various CFs and movies, and has given them the chance to perform at various events.

Clazziquai's fame increased greatly after the success of My Lovely Samsoon, a 2005 Korean drama that received over a 50% share by the end of its run. Clazziquai contributed two songs on its soundtrack: "Be My Love" and "She Is", the former of which became the show's theme song. The show's popularity brought the group increased media and public attention. The group won an award at the MNET KM Music Video Festival for "Best Soundtrack", and has also been the most nominated group at the Korean Popular Music Awards II(2회), winning “Artist of the Year” and “Best Pop”.

Since then, they have released a second album Color your soul and its remixed version Pinch your soul in 2005, and released their third in June 2007, entitled The Love Child of the Century. The group's unconventional style has proven popular enough to have the group widen their focus to other countries, signing a contract with avex trax in 2005, in addition to gaining a licensed album in Taiwan. They have contributed to works by Japanese artists Fantastic Plastic Machine and m-flo.

  • DJ Clazzi (DJ 클래지, composing, mixing, producing) Real name: 김성훈 (Kim Sung Hoon)
  • Christina Choi Horan (호란, vocal) Real name: 최수진(Soo Jin Choi)
  • Alex Chu (알렉스, vocal) Real name: 추헌곤 (Hun Gon Chu)

Source: Wikipedia

söndag 25 maj 2008


SM Entertainment är en stor talang-agentur i Korea som bl.a. har upptäckt BoA, Shinhwa och TVXQ! (Dong Bang Shin Ki). När de sa att de skulle lansera ett nytt pojkband, SHINee (uttalas Shiny), blev jag självklart helt upprymd och förväntansfull eftersom mina favorit-pojkband kom från den agenturen. Men när jag såg den här bilden...

visste jag inte vad jag skulle tänka. Jag menar, hallå kolla han längst till höger liksom! Han ser ju fan mer feminin ut än vad jag gör! Men iaf, jag bestämde mig för att ge dem en chans så jag kollade in deras musicvideo. Gosh va jag tappade hakan! (+ några minuters girlscreams)

SHINee - 누난 너무 예뻐 (Replay)
[Noona , you're so pretty]


Nuna's So Pretty

[Jonghyun] Because nuna's so pretty
Guys won't leave her alone
Her stirring feelings, truthfully I know about them

[Onyu] To her love is only one moment's feelings
To me, no matter what, it's my life's everything

[ALL] It seems as though my young ageIs troubling to her
The look in your eyes is telling me
And I think I'm gonna hate it girl
The end is coming near

[Jonghyun] Her heart tells her, no matter what anyone says

[ALL] Nuna you're too pretty
([Taemin] When I look at her) I go crazy
([Taemin] But now I’m tired)
Replay Replay Replay
Memories tear at my heart
([Taemin] Because my heart hurts now) I fix it
([Taemin] At the parting that's coming I)
Replay Replay Replay

[Onyu] Nuna you're my M.V.P.
Being envied, you felt happy
[Taemin] Always focusing my attention
Being with her is so cool

[Jonghyun] To never let go of our hands
The vow that I made

[Onyu] Starting from some moment
I know that it became a lie

[ALL] It seems as though my kind nature
Wasn't very much fun

[KEY] The body language that you're sending me
Is telling me
And I think I'm gonna hate it girl
The end is coming near

[Jonghyun] My heart is screaming out
Before the break-up

[ALL] Nuna you're too pretty
([Taemin] When I look at her) I go crazy
([Taemin] But now I’m tired)
Make up Shake up Break up
Memories tear at my heart
([Taemin] Because my heart hurts now) I fix it
([Taemin] At the parting that's coming I)
Make up Shake up Break up

[ALL] Sh-Sh-She who's so beautiful
Ha-Ha-Has yet to, with anyone,
Tasted sincere love
That's for certain
U-U-Unfortunately she is
Fr-Fr-From me who's still young
It seems is unable to accept sincere love

[ALL] Nuna you're too pretty
([Taemin] When I look at her) I go crazy
([Taemin] But now I’m tired)
Replay Replay Replay
Memories tear at my heart
([Taemin] Because my heart hurts now) I fix it
([Taemin] At the parting that's coming I)
Replay Replay Replay

[ALL] Nuna you're too pretty
([Taemin] When I look at her) I go crazy
([Minho] Uh her an my Love) Goes crazy
([Taemin] But now I’m tired)
([Minho] Uh I just go crazy 'cuz)
Replay Replay Replay
([Minho] I I I love you girl)
Memories tear at my heart
([Taemin] Because my heart hurts now)
([Minho] Uh because my heart hurts) I fix it
([Taemin] At the parting that's coming I)
([Minho] Yo I wanna hold you girl)Replay Replay Replay
([Minho] I I I love you)

[ALL] Nuna you're too pretty (I keep thinkin 'bout you)
Nuna you're pretty (I keep dreaming 'bout you)
[Minho/KEY] Have you ever tasted sincere love

[ALL] Nuna you're too pretty (I keep thinkin ’bout you)
Nuna you're pretty (I keep dreaming 'bout you)
[Minho] To accept a sincere love

Jag är officiellt kär i den här gruppen!
Btw, 'Noona' är något killar kallar äldre tjejer för i Korea

Translation ; sleep @ SHINee Forum


10 snabba om mig

  • Jennifer
  • 19
  • Spelar beachvolley och shoppar helst i Monki
  • Lyssnar på allt möjligt men helst electronica/house, R&B and believe it or not, korean boybands
  • Är besatt av bananer och SHINee just nu
  • Är kines men mina föräldrar föddes i Vietnam, likaså deras föräldrar, men våra förfäder kom från en stad i Kina som heter Chao Zhou (Teo Chew) som ligger i provinsen Guang Dong. Did that make any sense?
  • Skaffade blogg för att skriva om mitt liv och min besatthet av koreanska pojkband :)
  • Bor i det goa o glada Göthebörg. Gött mos!
  • Blivit lurad av Stellan från McDonalds i Frölunda en gång att köpa en burgare som jag alls inte ville ha. Damn you with puppyeyes!
  • Tar för övrigt studenten nästa vecka och åker till Hong Kong 3 dagar efter!